Wednesday, 6 June 2012

The process of literacy and literacy in schools

This article examines the theoretical assumptions and empirical results from three different perspectives that guide research in adult literacy. It is based on a review of recent literature on the subject, most of which appeared in books and periodicals in English. The perspectives are: literacy as a decontextualized basic skill literacy as social practice embedded in local condition (literacy) and literacy (literacy) as a tool.

The process of literacy and literacy in schools:

            The challenge of teaching in school is to get children to read and write spontaneously, creatively, constructively, and that should be in the realm of written culture. In this sense literacy in kindergarten is very important because the kid start learning the letters, before anything else, It provoke and awaken in children the desire beside the pleasure of reading and writing, placing them in a dynamic way in the universe
Of  reading and writing.

the last assessment (SAEB) National System for Basic Education Evaluation, reporting that approximately 33% of students with four years of schooling are illiterate, because the illiterate child ends the 4th grade. In addition to the pupils reach the 8th grade with poor schooling.

The exploration of the significance of one or other linguistic element can move towards two directions: for the upper stage, the theme, in which case would handle the inquiry of the contextual meaning of a word given conditions to give any concrete. Or may tend to go lower stage, that is about meaning: in this case, will investigate the meaning of the word in the language system, or in other words the analysis of the dictionary words. (Bakhtin, 2004, p. 131)
No exception to our understanding of the fact that the total withdrawal of all components of the stream of speech has their limits, it is not always thinking of others can actually be grasped in all its nuances, in all its replicas mental in their responses unexpressed. But still, we believe it possible to move from description to reflection of the teaching / learning the language, working with those elements that allow for even identical words in spelling, lead to an understanding of the articulation and grasp its meaning.
The differences found concern: the concept of literacy / literacy, literacy attributed to the potential for national development and improvement of social conditions, the possibility of a valid standardized measure of literacy skills, the role of mediators in the process of literacy and the power of context in the determination of literacy as a stable. Convergence exists when considering the literacy programs as difficult to implement and lacking in political commitment over the long term, adequate teacher training and financial resources appropriate to the stated goals of literacy. 
From the perspective of the content of the messages literate and the need for multisectoral support are crucial. Illiteracy rates are slowly declining worldwide, but the absolute number of those unable to read or write is increasing. Women still account for two thirds of the illiterate. Current conditions of poverty and the mechanisms in place to counter its manifestations work against students' participation in literacy programs and against the subsequent application of literacy skills to everyday life.
WILLIANS, R. Marxism and Literature. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar Editores, 1979

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