Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Schools Teachers and Literacy

To mastering reading and writing requires effort of the students who are part of the school and society, as without exerting such activities is difficult to understand what is presented constantly in challenging life.  The types of information are diverse, whether at home, on the street or at school. Teberosky and Colomer (2003) pointed out that another type of material consists of texts found in the patients at home, like the labels, signs, trademarks and logos printed on packaging made from a wide variety of materials such as paper, wood, tin, glass, plastic, cloth, pottery, etc.. as well as brochures, marketing materials, manuals with different fonts and colors.

We have a company in the midst of infinite diversity of texts produced by the man himself and that support for the informal practice of reading. Interpret the readings made daily task is crucial for those who consider learning as much as reading the writing is essential to a better quality of life. The readings have also made daily, in addition to its relevance for the processing of information, influence on human behavior in their placements, active participation in matters that have more intimacy. This happens when the reader is confronted with issues that understand its role and other aspects related to the content highlighted. In short, reading is the art of understanding the writings and the writings mostly meet with a social function is to teach, inform, move, etc..

            Concern about the quality of the teaching of reading and writing should be a concern of both the school and the family and society itself, so it has a collective ideal regarding the teaching quality of specific activities, because we live in a politically democratic society, where individuals have freedom to express their thoughts and ideas on issues relevant to the progress and quality of education in the country.

            The process of literacy and literacy activities as part of the lives of individuals directly, in the case both at school and in society. A child in your school context is subject to the mastery of reading and writing, since it is through the process of literacy the child or the illiterate adult in school comes to see the letters not as isolated units but as part of a whole.

            The contribution of Educational Psychology in the process of literacy and literacy today has been featured in schools in general. This is because through studies of pedagogy with psychology the care of children requiring special care has improved, since one of the concerns of educators and directly involved in the process of teaching and learning is centered on the cognitive development of students in various forms of teaching.

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