Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Reading And Writing Practice (Second Theories About Literacy)

Social relations in a given complex movement could no longer be reduced to the immediate level and hence the need to spell symbols to establish communication with the other, in another time and space. In this sense, writing has become a historical necessity.  As we look to society, we see that men in a given context felt the need to produce words, codes, and social development and thus he felt the necessity of writing. 
Necessity of Reading And Writing Practice in literacy:
All of us, including teachers, professors and educationalists know that teaching and learning written language is very complex and difficult. Some conscious of this complexity and difficulty argue that the child's stage of mental maturity would not be able to grasp the the syntax easily and thus establishing a relationships with social values in those words which he/she learning. However, this is a vision with which we disagree, since the relationship chart-social meaning and give meaning to what we are told, making it much easier to acknowledge. The mother-tongue teaches teaching and writing, and such a social factors that motivate their learning,,
Words alone don’t make a meaning but themes, thus The theme is a sign system dynamic and complex, which seeks to adapt appropriately to the conditions of a given moment of evolution. The theme is a reaction of consciousness evolving to be evolving. The significance is an apparatus for carrying out the theme. is impossible to draw a boundary between the absolute mechanical meaning and theme. There is no theme meaningless, and vice versa. Furthermore, it is impossible to describe the significance of an isolated word (...) without making it the element of a theme, i.e., without constructing an utterance, an 'example'. Moreover, the subject must rely on a stable meaning, otherwise it would lose its link with the foregoing and what follows, or he would lose, in short its meaning. (Bakhtin, 2004, p. 129. Emphasis author's)
Beyond these explanations, Bakhtin brings several other elements that need to be considered in relation to the theme and meaning, in order to understand the distinctions and interrelations between them, to form a solid science of meaning in which the distinction "is particularly clear in connection with the problem of understanding. "
In our examples, a word taken as text, as the unit of meaning in this dialogic relationship, must be permeated by the elements to resume the story of their training, including those non-verbal, that are outside the immediate reach of its formation graphics. 
The centralization of education only in word, a phrase, an anecdote, not to recover the stream of speech, language expresses a concept that by failing to consider their non-formal, does not cover the senses of teaching and learning mother tongue, which can only be understood in the context of the complete expression. The author says: The dialogic character of language begins then by understanding Fully how to process understanding and its relation to meaning. And that is the conclusion of our whole article. Hope you enjoyed thanks for reading and happy weekend.

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